The Mississippi Department of Archives & History is co-sponsoring a series of workshops for Mississippi residents that might be of interest to many. I'll quote directly from the press release:
"These half-day workshops are open to all Mississippians.... Each session will deal generally with all types of objects but then focus on a particular category. Through lecture, demonstration, and question and answer,
participants will learn how to respond promptly and effectively to stabilize damaged objects and then seek further help as necessary."
The schedule is as follows:
Biloxi, Saturdays 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, Margaret S. Sherry Memorial Library
May 20 Textiles & costumes
June 24 Photographs
October 14 Objects (glass, metal, ceramic, leather)
November 18 Furniture and Wooden objects
Jackson, Sundays 1:30 - 4:00 pm, MDAH, Winter Building
May 21 Textiles, costume
June 25 Photographs
September 24 Paintings and painted surfaces
Single sessions will be held in Oxford, Cleveland, Laurel, Columbus, and Natchez.
I wish I had a website to direct you to, but I can't find the schedule anywhere online. The contact person is Eleana Pope at the MDAH. If they put the info online, I'll add a link.