Thursday, February 09, 2006

Installing "Pinturas de Fe"

We are installing the new exhibition, "Pinturas de Fe: The Retablo Tradition in Mexico and New Mexico," this week. If I say so myself, the show is looking good. We thought it might be interesting to see a few shots of the installation process. Directly above is a photo of interns Katarina Dearman and Amber Lewis matching labels with retablos. Above and to the left: we have unpacked everything - retablos, photos, and text panels - and are ready to condition-report them. In a condition report, the registrar checks to be sure the items are in the same shape they were in when they were packed up. We'll do it again before we send them back.

and, bear with us: blogging is a new technology and I haven't quite figured out how to get the pictures to go where I want them.

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