Following a late-summer break, the next series of Winterthur Workshops begin September 21, with a Collection Recovery Workshops for Institutions scheduled. The topic of the September workshop is Paintings and Painted Surfaces. There are a few openings remaining and anyone interested in attending should email
. The remainder of the schedule is October 12, Objects (Glass, metal, ceramic, leather, archaeological artifacts) and November 16, furniture and wooden objects. The Collection Recovery Workshops for Institutions are held on the campus of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in Gulfport. The workshops begin at 9:00 a.m. and end around 4:00 p.m.
Collection Recovery Workshops open to the public are scheduled as follows:
Laurel, Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Saturday, September 23, Paintings and Painted Surfaces;
Columbus, Columbus/Lowndes Public Library, Sunday October 15, Objects (Glass, Metal, Ceramic, Leather);
Natchez Historic Natchez Foundation, (Commerce and Main Streets), Saturday November 18, Furniture and Wooden Objects.
Public Workshops are from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Registration is not necessary for the public workshops.
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